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Photoshopping eyebrows, eating pizza and travelling to space: Welcome to the world of Joe

Joe is one of the newest editions to the Digity Team.

Coming from a background of freelance design, being creative and developing innovative designs comes naturally to Joe. It might surprise you to know that Joe is actually an entirely self-taught designer, a talent developed initially through crafting his own sticker and T-shirt designs and selling them through online merchandise stores as well as working for a number of people in the gaming world and various other clients along the way too. 

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Joe’s role at Digity entails (in Joe’s own words): ‘Taking briefs, deciphering all the words and then channelling them into lovely graphics that everyone enjoys. Please enjoy them.’ We certainly have enjoyed them so far - from savvy social media graphics to exciting new webpage designs, Joe certainly knows how to make any of our client’s visions come to life right in front of our eyes. A skill that we find equally impressive is Joe’s ability to super-impose eyebrows onto his face in Photoshop (he apparently lost them during a chemical accident in an alleyway in Hell's Kitchen, New York - some team members question the reliability of this story, but it seems the most plausible one so far).

When we asked Joe what the one thing that makes him most excited about joining Digity is, his reply wasn’t about the opportunity to develop his design skills, or even about the opportunity to see the beautiful faces of the Digity team every day. No, in fact, the thing Joe is most excited about is Pizza Thursday - a long-running tradition at Digity that occurs once a month when Chris takes us all out for pizza! We later discovered that pizza is Joe’s favourite food and takeaway of choice, which does explain his excitement somewhat.

Joe has some pretty big dreams he wants to achieve:

  • Go skydiving (however he’s afraid of heights so is currently trying to work out a way to overcome this)
  • Visit space (However he realises it might be another 20 years before he can afford a Virgin Galactic ticket and in the meantime, he’s still figuring out the heights issue)
  • Creating/doing something that will cement his legacy for years beyond his death (This one is also still a work in progress, but he’s hoping it won’t be that he is the first space tourist to plummet to his death).

We’re excited to see Joe achieve hopefully one of these over the course of his time at Digity - Charity skydive next year anyone..?

What is one word to describe you?


What was your favourite TV show when growing up?

The Simpson's because it actually lasted longer than my whole childhood (and it's still going strong-ish)!

If you could have any animal as a pet, what animal would you choose?

An Orangutan. They are precious and must be protected along with pandas. 

Want to see what creative ideas Joe can come up with for your business? Get in touch to find out more.


This blog post was written by:

Alex Kirkup-Lee • July 15, 2021

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