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Google Page Experience Update for May 2021

Are you ready for the latest algorithm factor: Page Experience?

A close up of the google app on a phone
A month without a new Google update to think about is like a month without sunshine here at Digity towers! We've known about this new one for a little while now and have been assessing the likely impact of it for ourselves and our clients.

Here is a snapshot of the fundamentals relating to the impending update which is planned for May:
  • Don't believe the hype if you've heard that Google has a new algorithm which is going to turn your rankings upside down - it's more of an update or extension to what has been carefully crafted over recent years BUT it is important.
  • It's believed it will take into account more metrics from Google's Web Vitals which focus on your website's loading speed, interactivity and visual stability.
  • If you own or run a website you need to understand these signals and be assessing them to ensure they help rather than hinder you.
  • Key steps to take focus on continual optimisation for mobiles, improving page speeds, and including alt text for images everywhere possible.
  • As before, it's vital to focus on safety, security (e.g. HTTPS in your domain) and following best practice.
If you are concerned by the latest news OR you would simply like us to assess your current website for any key changes we would recommend to help grow your traffic and sales, get in touch. We offer a FREE SEO audit service to give you some invaluable insights about your current website.

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This blog post was written by:

Chris Lunn • April 12, 2021

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