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Happy New Year - 3 Words of Advice

As we leave 2020 behind, I'm looking ahead with great optimism...

The year 2021 is written with sparklers on a black background.
This week we returned to work and on Monday I was full of optimism.  After what felt like a very lengthy 2020, the gift that kept on giving, the Christmas break was superb.  For everything that was disappointing and different about it this year, it was nice to have some time out and come back feeling genuinely refreshed.  One thing was for sure in my mind; "nothing could be as bad as last year!".  I had to think it didn't I for that evening Boris Johnson announced we were going back into lockdown again.  Hey-ho, we've been there, done that, got the t-shirt now.

So as I sit here writing this on a Friday morning, I decided to reflect on the first full week of 2021.  We've actually never had a first week of January like it!  For everything that Mon evening gave me, by the end of the week we'd had more discussions about new projects and marketing programmes than ever before.  It seems to me that last year toughened and woke a lot of people up which is great to see.

Going back to the subject of this blog post and those 3 magic words I'm sure you're dying to see revealed, they were going to be "Go For It."  Given a lot of people didn't seem to need them, I've updated them to "Make it happen".  We need to show the same resolve and determination to succeed that we need this country to show to fight against the pandemic.  Do the right things, support each other, think about others and don't let anything get you down.  Hold on to that sort of thinking and I've every faith that you're going to make 2021 a great year.

Over to you, if you want any help to boost your online presence, we're always here to help so get in touch anytime.

This blog post was written by:

Chris Lunn • January 8, 2021

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