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How To Generate More Leads For Your Architects Practice

Key Marketing Tips To Attract More Of The Projects You Want

If you're reading this article we're guessing you want to achieve at least one of these;

  • Improve your marketing (perhaps consistency and impact) to help drive sales by attracting more project enquiries
  • Increase your average purchase price by attracting clients with bigger plans and budgets
  • Sense check whether your team is doing everything it should be to maintain a stable pipeline and grow

Based on over 10 years hands-on experience working with businesses throughout the property sector, we've collated this blog to help.

If you'd like to see what our team can do for you, get in touch, we'd love to have the opportunity.

Check The Actual Visibility You're Achieving

Many companies come to us because they feel their website isn't working but what we sometimes find is there's simply a lack of relevant traffic reaching it. Before you spend a lot of money on content or new web designs that may still never get noticed, make sure you are actually being seen in the first place. Review;

  • Search engines; does your website appear for relevant searches, high up on the first page? If not, you need to invest in SEO and also consider ads? Also check if your Google Business profile is appearing in the maps section?
  • Social media; how are you follower counts, can you tell if they are local or spread across the globe? Look at running social ads which can be targeted by town and remarketing campaigns to people who have looked at your content.
  • Adverts; depending on your target audience there might be a case for ads in magazines/newspapers/Parish publications and even leaflets. Potentially events too.
  • Other; think about directories, purchasing planning permission data, email campaigns and how to get referrals from existing customers and your network.

Make The Right Impact

It's not our place to tell you where to pitch your service but if you want to attract customers with larger budgets for their projects and your architectural fees, you need to make sure your work looks as impressive as possible. Think about how to showcase your design capabilities and invest in professional photography and video (or find an agency like Digity who can take of it). Equally, think about how your website looks/feels and what it says - if it's been longer than 2 years since you last redesigned it, we should talk as things have changed - a lot!

Next, think about all the content you could be adding to it on a regular basis to inspire all the visitors such as; projects, case studies, blogs full of detail and insights. You likely spend your day talking to clients about intricate details and creative solutions so make sure your website / social media / email campaigns etc. are brimming with enthusiasm and expertise.

Build Trust and Give Choice

When people arrive on your website, they need to be impressed and reassured that you're worth investing time in first and foremost. The fees will come once you have so make sure you showcase the work you want to attract (size, style, materials, applicants location etc. of projects). To help bring down the barriers and increase lead generation, specifically think about;

  • Your company branding and design - does it really suit the values of your target customers?
  • Depth of content - is it actually going to draw someone in or just rushed, bland copy with out of date images?
  • Are you showing off your best work in the best way?
  • What are your reviews like? Do you have many? How recent are they? What picture are they painting if people look?
  • How relevant are your team in your business? If the answer is 'very' then showcase them in your marketing.
  • Include case studies, testimonials etc.
  • If you've had any success with awards, highlight them.
  • We've mentioned it a few times but use your blog to demonstrate your passion and expertise...

Give Lots Of Options For Potential Next Steps - Without Overwhelming

When the marketing aspects above are working well, you need to plan out 'what next'. The people you attract could be ready to dive in and discuss their grand plans with you, or they may be at a very early stage of consideration. Examples of what we call 'calls to action' and are worth considering here include;

  • Download a brochure
  • Request a design consultation
  • Map and written directions to your premises if you invite clients there (mention free parking if available)
  • Request a call back form
  • Live chat installed
  • Create a photobook for download
  • Show your phone no., email address and actual address so it's easy to find when they are ready to get in touch

See How We Can Help Your Business

We know there's a lot to consider above and it never stops. Welcome to our world of digital marketing but the good news is that it's very rewarding once you build good momentum. If you'd like to see what we can do for your business, fill in the form below. We're offering a complimentary marketing review and consultation right now so get in touch by scrolling down and completing the form...

This blog post was written by:

Chris Lunn • September 10, 2024

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