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Instagram Vertical Grids: What You Need to Know

Your carefully curated Instagram grid could be changing! Instagram launches beta tests for new vertical grids

Instagram is testing a new look for their well-known profile grids by introducing vertical grids, moving away from their iconic square profiles. The change from the classic 1:1 ratio grid to the more vertical 4:5 aspect ratio is being gradually rolled out across business and user profiles to test the new look. This means it’s time to adapt your Instagram strategy and content creation to ensure your feed remains visually appealing and captures your audience. 

The transition from the classic grid to the new 4:5 format has the potential to boost account performance and reach, but can also have a negative impact if accounts are non-reactive and fail to adapt to the new Instagram grid format.

Don’t panic, all of your 1:1 aspect ratio content that is already on your grid and any future posts will still show on your profile, they will just be zoomed in slightly to fit the new vertical grid. Not the be all and end all for most Instagram users, but if you want to keep your grid looking fresh and well planned, make sure to make the switch to 4:5 posts going forward to keep your layout looking sleek. If you’re a big Reel poster, the vertical grid can make it easier for you to display your content as it more closely fits the Reel ratio. Plus, the new format will also broaden your horizons with Cover Photos and what you can showcase on your grid, making your profile more eye-catching for your audience. 

Considering most content is now vertical, short form videos or static 4:5 ratio images and graphics, this could be a very popular move for Instagram, making it easier for users to format their content for their grids. If you’re looking for an Instagram refresh or need help with social media management and content creation, contact us today to get started on your social media marketing journey and stay one step ahead of the curve.

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August 28, 2024

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