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Visiting Glenside to Capture Exciting New Content

We recently paid a visit to our Commercial Interiors client, where we had the opportunity to take photos and videos of their stunning new showroom as well as get involved in an exciting new filming project.

When it comes to digital marketing, there’s never a dull day. No two clients are the same, which means that our work days are always packed with a variety of tasks to tackle. From content creation to SEO and scheduling, there's always something new.

However, when we were recently invited by Glenside to capture content from their brand-new showroom and to be involved in some video shoots, we were definitely excited to step away from our desks and get stuck in! Here’s what we got up to.

Capturing Content

This is an exciting part of any digital marketer’s job at the best of times, but we were thrilled to go to Glenside’s brand-new showroom and get free-reign to grab photos and videos of the showroom floor.

They have a very large office floor to showcase all of their different designs. This was exciting, and required careful planning to make the most of our time on site and produce valuable creative assets to utilise going forward. Fortunately, the team over at Glenside were patent enough to give us all the time we needed.

Hand capturing interior design space on an iPhone

This meant that we essentially got to spend an afternoon photographing and filming lots of gorgeous design elements–from flooring and carpets to hybrid spaces and soundproof pods. Not to mention a variety of different beautiful office templates that Glenside offers to their clients, depending on their budget and the space they have available. 

Planning Ideas

Following the success of this trip, Glenside followed up with a new request which involved researching and storyboard planning for additional video content for their website. We have a lasting relationship with their brand and so they wanted our thoughts on how to best capture their essence.

In order to find the right angle and approach, We thought it would be best to do some competitor research to see how similar brands were presenting themselves. 

Hand drawing  out a storyboard

We then looked at certain elements that we felt would work for Glenside and put them together into an order of what we thought would be appropriate for different pages, as well as some additional ideas of our own. This proved to be a rewarding process, as Glenside loved our ideas and invited us to come and take a hands-on approach to the shoot itself.

The company video is now complete and the team at Glenside are very happy with the final result.

Digity works collaboratively with clients to capture high-quality content in keeping with brand image to work perfectly with a strong social media strategy. If you'd like to see what our team can do for your business, get in touch to find out more

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This blog post was written by:

Nina Patel • February 5, 2023

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